Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2009


Albanian militant extremists sponsored by Islamic fundamentalists jeopardise Balkan and European security

Judged according to investments, resources and geostrategic element, the province of Kosovo is worth more than 500 billion dollars. This fact favored the Albanian secessionist leadership in its efforts to assume the guidance of the Albanian people, which might play an important role in the global control of the south-eastern part of Europe. The premise Whoever has control of the Balkans and of Kosovo and Macedonia, controls the stability and the instability of Europe has been put to good use by the Albanian leaders by trying to destabilize this part of the European continent in order to benefit by creating Greater Albania, i.e. by generating a monopoly of power and might in the Balkans. Their efforts are designed to provide the solution to the Kosovo Question and Macedonian Question by involving international factors, to the point that internationalization of the problems is sought at any cost, including inciting and taking part in terrorist activities, devised to frighten the Serbian and Slavic Macedonian people and force them to emigrate and abandon the land to the secessionists.
